Class AMFDataByteArray

  • public class AMFDataByteArray
    extends AMFData

    AMFDataByteArray: class for marshalling data between Wowza Pro server and Flash client. This class is a simple byte array.

    • Constructor Detail

      • AMFDataByteArray

        public AMFDataByteArray()
        Create empty AMFDataByteArray object
      • AMFDataByteArray

        public AMFDataByteArray​(byte[] data)
        Deserialize entire byte array and create AMFDataByteArray object. Note: This is for AMF3 deserialization and cannot be used to create an AMFDataByteArray with the passed in data. To create a new AMDDataByteArray from either a byte[] or ByteBuffer, use the static wrap method.
        data - binary data
      • AMFDataByteArray

        public AMFDataByteArray​(byte[] data,
                                int offset,
                                int size)
        Deserialize data array starting at offest for size bytes and create AMFDataByteArray object. Note: This is for AMF3 deserialization and cannot be used to create an AMFDataByteArray with the passed in data. To create a new AMDDataByteArray from either a byte[] or ByteBuffer, use the static wrap method.
        data - binary data
        offset - starting offset into data
        size - size of data to deserialize
      • AMFDataByteArray

        public AMFDataByteArray​(java.nio.ByteBuffer data)
        Deserialize entire data array and create AMFDataByteArray object. Note: This is for AMF3 deserialization and cannot be used to create an AMFDataByteArray with the passed in data. To create a new AMDDataByteArray from either a byte[] or ByteBuffer, use the static wrap method.
        data - binary data
      • AMFDataByteArray

        public AMFDataByteArray​(java.nio.ByteBuffer data,
                                AMFDataContextDeserialize context)
        Deserialize entire data array and create AMFDataByteArray object. Note: This is for AMF3 deserialization and cannot be used to create an AMFDataByteArray with the passed in data. To create a new AMDDataByteArray from either a byte[] or ByteBuffer, use the static wrap method.
        data - binary data
        context - deserialization context (used for AMF3 decoding)
    • Method Detail

      • size

        public int size()
        Returns the number of bytes in the byte array
        number of bytes in the array
      • toArray

        public byte[] toArray()
        Returns the underlying data buffer (not a copy)
        data buffer (not a copy)
      • toByteBuffer

        public java.nio.ByteBuffer toByteBuffer()
        Wraps the underlying data buffer with a ByteBuffer object.
        byte[] wrapped as ByteBuffer
      • wrap

        public static AMFDataByteArray wrap​(byte[] data)
        Wraps a byte[] into a AMFDataByteArray. Note: This method does not copy the array.
        data - byte[] data
        wrapped byte[]
      • wrap

        public static AMFDataByteArray wrap​(java.nio.ByteBuffer data)
        Wraps a ByteBuffer into a AMFDataByteArray. Note: This method only copies the ByteBuffer data if the ByteBuffer.array() method fails.
        data - ByteBuffer data
        wrapped ByteBuffer
      • getValue

        public Object getValue()
        Returns the underlying byte[] data buffer
        Specified by:
        getValue in class AMFData
        java native class
      • deserialize

        public void deserialize​(java.nio.ByteBuffer data)
        Description copied from class: AMFData
        Deserialize data in byte buffer
        Specified by:
        deserialize in class AMFData
        data - binary data
      • deserialize

        public void deserialize​(java.nio.ByteBuffer data,
                                AMFDataContextDeserialize context)
        Description copied from class: AMFData
        Deserialize data in byte buffer
        Specified by:
        deserialize in class AMFData
        data - binary data
        context - deserialization context used by AMF3
      • serialize

        public void serialize​( out)
        Description copied from class: AMFData
        Serialize object to output stream
        Specified by:
        serialize in class AMFData
        out - Output stream
      • serialize

        public void serialize​( out,
                              int objectEncoding)
        Description copied from class: AMFData
        Serialize object to output stream
        Specified by:
        serialize in class AMFData
        out - Output stream
        objectEncoding - object encoding level (see AMF_LEVEL*)
      • serialize

        public void serialize​( out,
                              AMFDataContextSerialize context)
        Description copied from class: AMFData
        Serialize object to output stream
        Specified by:
        serialize in class AMFData
        out - Output stream
        context - serialization context used by AMF3
      • serialize

        public byte[] serialize()
        Description copied from class: AMFData
        Serial object to byte array
        Specified by:
        serialize in class AMFData
        serialized byte array
      • serialize

        public byte[] serialize​(int objectEncoding)
        Description copied from class: AMFData
        Serial object to byte array
        Specified by:
        serialize in class AMFData
        objectEncoding - object encoding level (see AMF_LEVEL*)
        serialized byte array
      • serialize

        public byte[] serialize​(AMFDataContextSerialize context)
        Description copied from class: AMFData
        Serial object to byte array
        Specified by:
        serialize in class AMFData
        context - serialization context used by AMF3
        serialized byte array
      • compress

        public int compress()
        Compress the internal buffer using the ZLIB compression library
        size of compressed buffer
      • decompress

        public int decompress()
        Decompress the internal buffer using the ZLIB compression library
        size of decompressed buffer
      • toString

        public String toString()
        Return object as formatted string
        toString in class Object