Class SystemUtils

  • public class SystemUtils
    extends Object
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static void addBouncyCastleSecurityProvider()
      Load bouncy castle providers, Internal use.
      static String expandEnvironmentVariables​(String inValue)
      Expand system level Java properties in a String in the form ${property-name}
      static String expandEnvironmentVariables​(String inValue, java.util.Map valueMap)
      Expand system level Java properties in a String in the form ${property-name}.
      static long getCpuTime()
      Get CPU time in nanoseconds.
      static byte[] getMACAddress()
      Get MAC address of localhost interface (only works on Java 6 or greater)
      static long getSystemTime()
      Get system time in nanoseconds.
      static long getUserTime()
      Get user time in nanoseconds.
      static long toNTPTime​(long t)
      Convert a timecode value in milliseconds to NTP time
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail

      • defaultTimeZone

        public static final java.util.TimeZone defaultTimeZone
      • gmtTimeZone

        public static final java.util.TimeZone gmtTimeZone
      • defaultLocale

        public static final java.util.Locale defaultLocale
    • Constructor Detail

      • SystemUtils

        public SystemUtils()
    • Method Detail

      • expandEnvironmentVariables

        public static String expandEnvironmentVariables​(String inValue)
        Expand system level Java properties in a String in the form ${property-name}
        inValue - string with properties
        expanded string
      • expandEnvironmentVariables

        public static String expandEnvironmentVariables​(String inValue,
                                                        java.util.Map valueMap)
        Expand system level Java properties in a String in the form ${property-name}. You can also pass in a map of name/value pairs that will expand the list of available properties
        inValue - string with properties
        valueMap - name/value pair map
        expanded string
      • getMACAddress

        public static byte[] getMACAddress()
        Get MAC address of localhost interface (only works on Java 6 or greater)
        MAC address of localhost interface
      • addBouncyCastleSecurityProvider

        public static void addBouncyCastleSecurityProvider()
        Load bouncy castle providers, Internal use.
      • toNTPTime

        public static long toNTPTime​(long t)
        Convert a timecode value in milliseconds to NTP time
        t - timecode value in milliseconds
        NTP time
      • getCpuTime

        public static long getCpuTime()
        Get CPU time in nanoseconds.
      • getUserTime

        public static long getUserTime()
        Get user time in nanoseconds.
      • getSystemTime

        public static long getSystemTime()
        Get system time in nanoseconds.