Class HTTPUtils

  • public class HTTPUtils
    extends Object

    HTTPUtils: utility class for making http requests.

    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static org.apache.commons.lang.time.FastDateFormat COOKIEDATEFORMAT  
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static String assembleQueryStr​(java.util.Map<String,​String> queryMap, boolean enableEncoding)
      Assemble a map of name value pairs into a single query string.
      static java.util.Map<String,​String> expandHTTPHeadersStr​(String httpUserHTTPHeadersStr)  
      static String formatDeleteCookie​(String name, String path, String domain)
      Formats a cookie header value that is in the past to delete a cookie
      static String formatSetCookie​(String name, String value, int timeoffset, String path, String domain, boolean isSecure)
      Format a HTTP header Set-Cookie value
      static byte[] HTTPRequestToByteArray​(String inUrl, String method, String data, java.util.Map<String,​String> headers)
      Make a HTTP request and return the result as a byte array
      static byte[] HTTPRequestToByteArray​(String inUrl, String method, String data, java.util.Map<String,​String> inHeaders, java.util.Map<String,​java.util.List<String>> outHeaders, long dataLimit)
      Make a HTTP request and return the result as a byte array
      static boolean HTTPRequestToFile​( file, String inUrl, String method, String data, java.util.List headers)
      Make a HTTP request and have the result saved to a file.
      static java.util.List<String[]> splitCookie​(String str)
      Breaks Cookies header value into a list of name/value pairs.
      static String[] splitPragmas​(String str)
      Split HTTP Pragma values at commas that separate values.
      static java.util.Map<String,​String> splitQueryStr​(String queryStr)
      Split a query string into a map and URL decode the values
      static String statusCodeToStr​(int statusCode)
      Convert an HTTP status code to a string
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail


        public static final org.apache.commons.lang.time.FastDateFormat COOKIEDATEFORMAT
    • Constructor Detail

      • HTTPUtils

        public HTTPUtils()
    • Method Detail

      • HTTPRequestToFile

        public static boolean HTTPRequestToFile​( file,
                                                String inUrl,
                                                String method,
                                                String data,
                                                java.util.List headers)
        Make a HTTP request and have the result saved to a file.
        file - destination
        inUrl - url (will work with http and https)
        method - method (POST, GET)
        data - post data
        headers - map of headers (Content-type...)
        true if successful
      • HTTPRequestToByteArray

        public static byte[] HTTPRequestToByteArray​(String inUrl,
                                                    String method,
                                                    String data,
                                                    java.util.Map<String,​String> headers)
        Make a HTTP request and return the result as a byte array
        inUrl - url (will work with http and https)
        method - method (POST, GET)
        data - post data
        headers - map of headers (Content-type...)
        byte array of result or null if not successful
      • HTTPRequestToByteArray

        public static byte[] HTTPRequestToByteArray​(String inUrl,
                                                    String method,
                                                    String data,
                                                    java.util.Map<String,​String> inHeaders,
                                                    java.util.Map<String,​java.util.List<String>> outHeaders,
                                                    long dataLimit)
        Make a HTTP request and return the result as a byte array
        inUrl - url (will work with http and https)
        method - method (POST, GET)
        data - data
        inHeaders - map of headers (Content-type...)
        outHeaders - response headers
        dataLimit - maximum number of bytes to read, zero for no limit
        byte array of result or null if not successful
      • assembleQueryStr

        public static String assembleQueryStr​(java.util.Map<String,​String> queryMap,
                                              boolean enableEncoding)
        Assemble a map of name value pairs into a single query string. URL encode query string values.
        queryMap - name value pairs
        query string
      • splitQueryStr

        public static java.util.Map<String,​String> splitQueryStr​(String queryStr)
        Split a query string into a map and URL decode the values
        queryStr - query string
        map of name value pairs
      • splitPragmas

        public static String[] splitPragmas​(String str)

        Split HTTP Pragma values at commas that separate values. It deals with internal commas in strings. Example:

        no-cache, client-id=1485578017, features="seekable,stridable", timeout=6


        str - Pragma value
        array of strings broken at commas
      • splitCookie

        public static java.util.List<String[]> splitCookie​(String str)
        Breaks Cookies header value into a list of name/value pairs. The Cookie string: "name1=value1;name2;name1=value3" is returned as: List(item({"name1", "value1"}), item("name2", null), item("name1", "value3"))
        str - input string
        List of name value pairs
      • formatDeleteCookie

        public static String formatDeleteCookie​(String name,
                                                String path,
                                                String domain)
        Formats a cookie header value that is in the past to delete a cookie
        name - variable name
        path - path
        domain - domain
        formatted cookie string
      • formatSetCookie

        public static String formatSetCookie​(String name,
                                             String value,
                                             int timeoffset,
                                             String path,
                                             String domain,
                                             boolean isSecure)
        Format a HTTP header Set-Cookie value
        name - variable name
        value - variable value - null if no value
        timeoffset - expiration time in seconds
        path - cookie path
        domain - cookie domain
        isSecure - is cookie secure
        formatted cookie string
      • statusCodeToStr

        public static String statusCodeToStr​(int statusCode)
        Convert an HTTP status code to a string
        statusCode - HTTP status code
      • expandHTTPHeadersStr

        public static java.util.Map<String,​String> expandHTTPHeadersStr​(String httpUserHTTPHeadersStr)