Class FLVUtils

  • public final class FLVUtils
    extends Object

    FLVUtils: utility for reading and writing .flv files.

    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static long adjustFirstPacketTCs​(java.util.List audioTCs, java.util.List videoTCs, java.util.List dataTCs)
      Align list of timecode for each data type.
      static int audioCodecStringToId​(String codecString)
      Parse a string to get the codec ID defined by IVHost.CODEC_AUDIO_*
      static String audioCodecToMetaDataString​(int codec)
      Get a printable string representation of the audio codecs defined as IVHost.CODEC_AUDIO_* as the string used in the onMetaData event
      static String audioCodecToString​(int codec)
      Get a printable string representation of the audio codecs defined as IVHost.CODEC_AUDIO_*
      static String frameTypeToString​(int frameType)  
      static int getAudioCodec​(int value)
      Return the codec portion of the first byte of an audio packet.
      static int getAudioCodec​(AMFPacket packet)
      Get the codec id for this audio packet.
      static int getAudioMP3Layer​(AMFPacket packet)
      Audio marked as MP3 is really MPEG1 Layer 1-3.
      static int getFrameType​(byte value)
      Given the first byte of a video packet, determine the frame type (FLV_*FRAME)
      static int getFrameType​(int value)
      Given the first byte of a video packet, determine the frame type (FLV_*FRAME)
      static int getFrameType​(int[] values)
      Given the headers values (including first byte of the packet), determine the type of video frame (FLV_*FRAME)
      static byte getHeaderFlags​( file)  
      static long getLastTC​( file)
      Get the duration of an .flv file.
      static OnMetadataBasic getOnMetadataData​(AMFPacket metaDataPacket)  
      static int getPtsOffSetFromDts​(byte[] buffer)
      Get the timecode offset in milliseconds between the PTS and DTS for this frame.
      static int getPtsOffSetFromDts​(AMFPacket packet)
      Get the timecode offset in milliseconds between the PTS and DTS for this frame.
      static int getVideoCodec​(int value)
      Return the codec portion of the first byte of an video packet.
      static int getVideoCodec​(AMFPacket packet)
      Get the codec id for this video packet.
      static int getVideoFrameType​(AMFPacket packet)  
      static int getVideoTimecodeOffset​(byte[] buffer)
      Get the timecode offset in milliseconds between the PTS and DTS for this frame.
      static int getVideoTimecodeOffset​(AMFPacket packet)
      Get the timecode offset in milliseconds between the PTS and DTS for this frame.
      static java.util.List interleavePackets​(java.util.List audioPackets, java.util.List videoPackets, java.util.List dataPackets, java.util.List audioTCs, java.util.List videoTCs, java.util.List dataTCs, long[] currentTCs)
      This is a utility function primarily used for IMediaWriters.
      static java.util.List<AMFPacket> interleavePackets​(java.util.List audioPackets, java.util.List videoPackets, java.util.List dataPackets, java.util.List audioTCs, java.util.List videoTCs, java.util.List dataTCs, java.util.List dataTypes, long[] currentTCs)
      This is a utility function primarily used for IMediaWriters.
      static boolean isAudioCodecConfig​(AMFPacket packet)
      Returns true if the packet is a audio codec config packet
      static boolean isAudioCodecConfig​(java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer)
      Returns true if the packet is a audio codec config packet
      static boolean isOnMetadata​(byte[] dataDataBytes)  
      static boolean isOnMetadataPacket​(AMFPacket packet)
      Returns true if packet is onMetaData or [@setDataFrame, onMetaData] data packet.
      static boolean isVideoCodecConfig​(int firstByte, int secondByte)
      Returns true if the packet is a video codec config packet
      static boolean isVideoCodecConfig​(AMFPacket packet)
      Returns true if the packet is a video codec config packet
      static boolean isVideoCodecConfig​(java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer)
      Returns true if the packet is a video codec config packet
      static boolean isVideoKeyFrame​(byte[] buffer)
      Returns true if the packet is a video key frame
      static boolean isVideoKeyFrame​(int[] chunkHeaderValues)
      Returns true if the packet is a video key frame
      static boolean isVideoKeyFrame​(AMFPacket packet)
      Returns true if the packet is a video key frame
      static boolean isVideoKeyFrame​(java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer)
      Returns true if the packet is a video key frame
      static byte[] modifyOnMetadataEvent​(byte[] buffer, long flags, java.util.List<String> itemsToRemove, java.util.Map<String,​AMFData> itemsToAdd)
      Modifies onMetadata event to remove or add items
      static AMFPacket readChunk​( is)
      Read a packets worth of .flv data from an InputStream and return as an AMFPacket
      static AMFPacket readChunk​( is)
      Read a packets worth of .flv data from an InputStream and return as an AMFPacket
      static void readChunkHeader​( is, byte[] buffer, int[] values)
      Read packet header.
      static boolean readHeader​( is)
      Read file header.
      static boolean readHeader​( is)
      Read file header.
      static void readPrevChunkHeader​( is, byte[] buffer, int[] values)
      Back up one packet from current position in the file and read the packet header.
      static String streamCodecToString​(int codec)
      Get a printable string representation of the stream codecs defined as IVHost.CODEC_STREAM_*
      static AMFPacket updateOnCuePointTimecode​(AMFPacket packet, long timecode)  
      static java.nio.ByteBuffer updateOnCuePointTimecode​(java.nio.ByteBuffer data, int dataType, long timecode)  
      static int videoCodecStringToCodecVersion​(String codecString)
      Parse a string to get the codec version defined by IVHost.CODEC_VIDEO_VERSION_*
      static int videoCodecStringToId​(String codecString)
      Parse a string to get the codec ID defined by IVHost.CODEC_VIDEO_*
      static String videoCodecToMetaDataString​(int codec)
      Get a printable string representation of the video codecs defined as IVHost.CODEC_VIDEO_* as the string used in the onMetaData event
      static String videoCodecToMetaDataString​(int codec, int codecVersion)
      Get a printable string representation of the video codecs defined as IVHost.CODEC_VIDEO_* as the string used in the onMetaData event
      static String videoCodecToString​(int codec)
      Get a printable string representation of the video codecs defined as IVHost.CODEC_VIDEO_*
      static String videoCodecToString​(int codec, int codecVersion)  
      static com.wowza.wms.mediawriter.MediaWriterStatus writeChunk​( ds, java.nio.ByteBuffer data, int size, long timecode, byte type)  
      static com.wowza.wms.mediawriter.MediaWriterStatus writeChunk​( ds, java.nio.ByteBuffer data, int size, long timecode, byte type)
      Write a packets worth of data.
      static void writeDuration​( file, double duration)
      Write the duration to an existing .flv file.
      static void writeHeader​( ds, double duration, int audiocodecid, int videocodecid, String createdBy, java.util.Map extraMetadata)
      Write file header including onMetaData packet.
      static void writeHeader​( ds, double duration, java.util.Map extraMetadata)
      Write file header including onMetaData packet.
      static void writeHeaderFlags​( file, byte newFlags)  
      static void writePackets​( ds, java.util.List packetList, long tcOffset)
      Write audio/video/data packets to an .flv file.
      static void writePackets​( ds, java.util.List audioPackets, java.util.List videoPackets, java.util.List dataPackets, java.util.List audioTCs, java.util.List videoTCs, java.util.List dataTCs, long[] currentTCs)
      Write a bunch of packets to .flv file all at once.
      static void writePackets​( ds, java.util.List audioPackets, java.util.List videoPackets, java.util.List dataPackets, java.util.List audioTCs, java.util.List videoTCs, java.util.List dataTCs, java.util.List dataTypes, long[] currentTCs)
      Write a bunch of packets to .flv file all at once.
      static void writePackets​( ds, java.util.List audioPackets, java.util.List videoPackets, java.util.List dataPackets, java.util.List audioTCs, java.util.List videoTCs, java.util.List dataTCs, java.util.List dataTypes, long[] currentTCs, com.wowza.util.IFLVWriterAdjustTimecode dataPacketTimecodeAdjuster)
      Write a bunch of packets to .flv file all at once.
      static void writeShortHeader​( ds)  
      static void writeShortHeader​( ds)
      Write just the FLV file header (without the metadata packet)
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail

      • CLASS

        public static final Class<FLVUtils> CLASS

        public static final int FLV_CHUNKHEADER_ITYPE
        Heaeder values: packet type
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int FLV_CHUNKHEADER_ISIZE
        Header values: packet size
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int FLV_CHUNKHEADER_ITIMECODE
        Header values: timecode (milliseconds)
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int FLV_CHUNKHEADER_FIRSTBYTE
        Header values: first byte of packet data
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int FLV_CHUNKHEADER_SECONDBYTE
        Header values: second byte of packet data
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int FLV_CHUNKHEADER_HEADERSIZE
        Size of packet header (byte[])
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int FLV_CHUNKHEADER_BUFFERSIZE
        Size of temporary buffer needed for flv reading (byte[])
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int FLV_CHUNKHEADER_VALUESIZE
        Size of header values array (long[])
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • FLV_UFRAME

        public static final int FLV_UFRAME
        Unknown video frame type
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • FLV_DFRAME

        public static final int FLV_DFRAME
        D video frame type (partial frame based on key frame)
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • FLV_PFRAME

        public static final int FLV_PFRAME
        P video frame type (partial frame based on previous frame)
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final long METADATAFILTER_REMOVE_OBJS
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • FLVUtils

        public FLVUtils()
    • Method Detail

      • streamCodecToString

        public static String streamCodecToString​(int codec)
        Get a printable string representation of the stream codecs defined as IVHost.CODEC_STREAM_*
        codec - codec id defined IVHost.CODEC_STREAM_*
        codec name
      • audioCodecStringToId

        public static int audioCodecStringToId​(String codecString)
        Parse a string to get the codec ID defined by IVHost.CODEC_AUDIO_*
        codecString - codec string
        codec ID
      • videoCodecToMetaDataString

        public static String videoCodecToMetaDataString​(int codec)
        Get a printable string representation of the video codecs defined as IVHost.CODEC_VIDEO_* as the string used in the onMetaData event
        codec - codec id defined IVHost.CODEC_VIDEO_*
        codec name
      • videoCodecToMetaDataString

        public static String videoCodecToMetaDataString​(int codec,
                                                        int codecVersion)
        Get a printable string representation of the video codecs defined as IVHost.CODEC_VIDEO_* as the string used in the onMetaData event
        codec - codec id defined IVHost.CODEC_VIDEO_*
        codecVersion - codec version
        metadata string
      • audioCodecToMetaDataString

        public static String audioCodecToMetaDataString​(int codec)
        Get a printable string representation of the audio codecs defined as IVHost.CODEC_AUDIO_* as the string used in the onMetaData event
        codec - codec id defined IVHost.CODEC_AUDIO_*
        codec name
      • audioCodecToString

        public static String audioCodecToString​(int codec)
        Get a printable string representation of the audio codecs defined as IVHost.CODEC_AUDIO_*
        codec - codec id defined IVHost.CODEC_AUDIO_*
        codec name
      • videoCodecStringToCodecVersion

        public static int videoCodecStringToCodecVersion​(String codecString)
        Parse a string to get the codec version defined by IVHost.CODEC_VIDEO_VERSION_*
        codecString -
        codec version string
      • videoCodecStringToId

        public static int videoCodecStringToId​(String codecString)
        Parse a string to get the codec ID defined by IVHost.CODEC_VIDEO_*
        codecString - codec string
        codec ID
      • videoCodecToString

        public static String videoCodecToString​(int codec)
        Get a printable string representation of the video codecs defined as IVHost.CODEC_VIDEO_*
        codec - codec id defined IVHost.CODEC_VIDEO_*
        codec name
      • videoCodecToString

        public static String videoCodecToString​(int codec,
                                                int codecVersion)
      • frameTypeToString

        public static String frameTypeToString​(int frameType)
      • getFrameType

        public static int getFrameType​(int[] values)
        Given the headers values (including first byte of the packet), determine the type of video frame (FLV_*FRAME)
        values - header values
        type of video frame (FLV_*FRAME)
      • getFrameType

        public static int getFrameType​(int value)
        Given the first byte of a video packet, determine the frame type (FLV_*FRAME)
        value - first byte of packet
        type of video frame (FLV_*FRAME)
      • getAudioCodec

        public static int getAudioCodec​(int value)
        Return the codec portion of the first byte of an audio packet. Return should be one of IVHost.CODEC_AUDIO_*
        value - first byte of audio packet
        codec id
      • getVideoCodec

        public static int getVideoCodec​(int value)
        Return the codec portion of the first byte of an video packet. Return should be one of IVHost.CODEC_VIDEO_*
        value - first byte of audio packet
        codec id
      • getFrameType

        public static int getFrameType​(byte value)
        Given the first byte of a video packet, determine the frame type (FLV_*FRAME)
        value - first byte of packet
        type of video frame (FLV_*FRAME)
      • readChunk

        public static AMFPacket readChunk​( is)
        Read a packets worth of .flv data from an InputStream and return as an AMFPacket
        is - InputStream
        AMFPacket of data or null if unsuccessful or end of file
      • readChunk

        public static AMFPacket readChunk​( is)
        Read a packets worth of .flv data from an InputStream and return as an AMFPacket
        is - InputStream
        AMFPacket of data or null if unsuccessful or end of file
      • readPrevChunkHeader

        public static void readPrevChunkHeader​( is,
                                               byte[] buffer,
                                               int[] values)
        Back up one packet from current position in the file and read the packet header. This includes reading the first byte of the packet data. The file pointer will be positioned at the first byte of the packet data. values[FLV_CHUNKHEADER_ITYPE] will be set to 0x7f if failure or start of file.
        is - RandomAccessFile
        buffer - temporary buffer byte[FLV_CHUNKHEADER_BUFFERSIZE]
        values - header values long[FLV_CHUNKHEADER_VALUESIZE]
      • readChunkHeader

        public static void readChunkHeader​( is,
                                           byte[] buffer,
                                           int[] values)
        Read packet header. This includes reading the first byte of the packet data. The file pointer will be positioned at the first byte of the packet data. values[FLV_CHUNKHEADER_ITYPE] will be set to 0x7f if failure or end of file.
        is - RandomAccessFile
        buffer - temporary buffer byte[FLV_CHUNKHEADER_BUFFERSIZE]
        values - header values long[FLV_CHUNKHEADER_VALUESIZE]
      • readHeader

        public static boolean readHeader​( is)
        Read file header. Return true if successful. Basically this just skips first 13 bytes in file.
      • readHeader

        public static boolean readHeader​( is)
        Read file header. Return true if successful. Basically this just skips first 13 bytes in file.
      • writeShortHeader

        public static void writeShortHeader​( ds)
        Write just the FLV file header (without the metadata packet)
        ds - OutputStream
      • writeShortHeader

        public static void writeShortHeader​( ds)
      • writeHeader

        public static void writeHeader​( ds,
                                       double duration,
                                       java.util.Map extraMetadata)
        Write file header including onMetaData packet.
        ds - OutputStream
        duration - duration of .flv file in seconds
        extraMetadata - Map of name/value pairs of metadata that will be appended to the onMetaData block
      • writeHeader

        public static void writeHeader​( ds,
                                       double duration,
                                       int audiocodecid,
                                       int videocodecid,
                                       String createdBy,
                                       java.util.Map extraMetadata)

        Write file header including onMetaData packet.

        With this method you can provide a Map of metadata to write to the file. This map can include a mixture of simple types like: int, long, String, boolean. These types will be wrapped in AMFData classes before they are written to the file. This map can also contain AMFData items. For example if you wanted to insert and array of cuePoints the code would look like:

        Map extraMetadata = new HashMap();
        AMFDataArray amfArray = new AMFDataArray();
        for(int i=0;i
        ds - OutputStream
        duration - duration of .flv file in seconds
        audiocodecid - audio codec ID see IVHost.CODEC_AUDIO_* (-1 for now audio)
        videocodecid - video codec ID see IVHost.CODEC_VIDEO_* (-1 for now video)
        createdBy - created by string (null for empty)
        extraMetadata - Map of name/value pairs of metadata that will be appended to the onMetaData block
      • writeChunk

        public static com.wowza.wms.mediawriter.MediaWriterStatus writeChunk​( ds,
                                                                             java.nio.ByteBuffer data,
                                                                             int size,
                                                                             long timecode,
                                                                             byte type)
        Write a packets worth of data.
        ds - OutputStream
        data - packet data
        size - size of the packet
        timecode - timecode (milliseconds)
        type - type of packet IVHost.CONTENTTYPE_*
      • writeChunk

        public static com.wowza.wms.mediawriter.MediaWriterStatus writeChunk​( ds,
                                                                             java.nio.ByteBuffer data,
                                                                             int size,
                                                                             long timecode,
                                                                             byte type)
      • interleavePackets

        public static java.util.List interleavePackets​(java.util.List audioPackets,
                                                       java.util.List videoPackets,
                                                       java.util.List dataPackets,
                                                       java.util.List audioTCs,
                                                       java.util.List videoTCs,
                                                       java.util.List dataTCs,
                                                       long[] currentTCs)
        This is a utility function primarily used for IMediaWriters. It is a way of taking the discrete audio/video/data packets and timecodes and interleaving them into a single list of AMFPacket objects. The currentTCs array is an array of longs containing the last timecode for each of the packet types FLV_TCINDEX* (long[3]). This array will be used to calculate the absolute timecode for a given packet. For example if the relative timecode for an audio packet is 26 and the currentTCs value for the audio channel is 1003 then the absolute timecode for that packet will be 1029. The currentTCs array will be updated after this call to reflect the absolute timecode of the last packet processed of each type.
        audioPackets - list of audio packets (ByteBuffer)
        videoPackets - list of video packets (ByteBuffer)
        dataPackets - list of data packets (ByteBuffer)
        audioTCs - list of relative audio timecodes (Long)
        videoTCs - list of relative video timecodes (Long)
        dataTCs - list of relative data timecodes (Long)
        currentTCs - array of longs containing last TCs written for each packet type FLV_TCINDEX* (long[3]). Last timecode written for each packet type wil be returned in this same array.
        List of AMFPacket objects sorted by timecodes
      • interleavePackets

        public static java.util.List<AMFPacket> interleavePackets​(java.util.List audioPackets,
                                                                  java.util.List videoPackets,
                                                                  java.util.List dataPackets,
                                                                  java.util.List audioTCs,
                                                                  java.util.List videoTCs,
                                                                  java.util.List dataTCs,
                                                                  java.util.List dataTypes,
                                                                  long[] currentTCs)
        This is a utility function primarily used for IMediaWriters. It is a way of taking the discrete audio/video/data packets and timecodes and interleaving them into a single list of AMFPacket objects. The currentTCs array is an array of longs containing the last timecode for each of the packet types FLV_TCINDEX* (long[3]). This array will be used to calculate the absolute timecode for a given packet. For example if the relative timecode for an audio packet is 26 and the currentTCs value for the audio channel is 1003 then the absolute timecode for that packet will be 1029. The currentTCs array will be updated after this call to reflect the absolute timecode of the last packet processed of each type.
        audioPackets - list of audio packets (ByteBuffer)
        videoPackets - list of video packets (ByteBuffer)
        dataPackets - list of data packets (ByteBuffer)
        audioTCs - list of relative audio timecodes (Long)
        videoTCs - list of relative video timecodes (Long)
        dataTCs - list of relative data timecodes (Long)
        dataTypes - list of integer packets types (IVHost.CONTENTTYPE_DATA0, IVHost.CONTENTTYPE_DATA3) - if null assumed to be IVHost.CONTENTTYPE_DATA0
        currentTCs - array of longs containing last TCs written for each packet type FLV_TCINDEX* (long[3]). Last timecode written for each packet type wil be returned in this same array.
        List of AMFPacket objects sorted by timecodes
      • writePackets

        public static void writePackets​( ds,
                                        java.util.List packetList,
                                        long tcOffset)
        Write audio/video/data packets to an .flv file. They will be written in the packetList order.
        ds - OutputStream
        packetList - List of AMFPacket objects
        tcOffset - timecode offset
      • writePackets

        public static void writePackets​( ds,
                                        java.util.List audioPackets,
                                        java.util.List videoPackets,
                                        java.util.List dataPackets,
                                        java.util.List audioTCs,
                                        java.util.List videoTCs,
                                        java.util.List dataTCs,
                                        long[] currentTCs)
        Write a bunch of packets to .flv file all at once. The packets will be sorted by timecode as written
        ds - OutputStream
        audioPackets - list of audio packets (ByteBuffer)
        videoPackets - list of video packets (ByteBuffer)
        dataPackets - list of data packets (ByteBuffer)
        audioTCs - list of relative audio timecodes (Long)
        videoTCs - list of relative video timecodes (Long)
        dataTCs - list of relative data timecodes (Long)
        currentTCs - array of longs containing last TCs written for each packet type FLV_TCINDEX* (long[3]). Last timecode written for each packet type wil be returned in this same array.
      • writePackets

        public static void writePackets​( ds,
                                        java.util.List audioPackets,
                                        java.util.List videoPackets,
                                        java.util.List dataPackets,
                                        java.util.List audioTCs,
                                        java.util.List videoTCs,
                                        java.util.List dataTCs,
                                        java.util.List dataTypes,
                                        long[] currentTCs)
        Write a bunch of packets to .flv file all at once. The packets will be sorted by timecode as written
        ds - OutputStream
        audioPackets - list of audio packets (ByteBuffer)
        videoPackets - list of video packets (ByteBuffer)
        dataPackets - list of data packets (ByteBuffer)
        audioTCs - list of relative audio timecodes (Long)
        videoTCs - list of relative video timecodes (Long)
        dataTCs - list of relative data timecodes (Long)
        dataTypes - list of integer packets types (IVHost.CONTENTTYPE_DATA0, IVHost.CONTENTTYPE_DATA3) - if null assumed to be IVHost.CONTENTTYPE_DATA0
        currentTCs - array of longs containing last TCs written for each packet type FLV_TCINDEX* (long[3]). Last timecode written for each packet type wil be returned in this same array.
      • writePackets

        public static void writePackets​( ds,
                                        java.util.List audioPackets,
                                        java.util.List videoPackets,
                                        java.util.List dataPackets,
                                        java.util.List audioTCs,
                                        java.util.List videoTCs,
                                        java.util.List dataTCs,
                                        java.util.List dataTypes,
                                        long[] currentTCs,
                                        com.wowza.util.IFLVWriterAdjustTimecode dataPacketTimecodeAdjuster)
        Write a bunch of packets to .flv file all at once. The packets will be sorted by timecode as written
        ds - OutputStream
        audioPackets - list of audio packets (ByteBuffer)
        videoPackets - list of video packets (ByteBuffer)
        dataPackets - list of data packets (ByteBuffer)
        audioTCs - list of relative audio timecodes (Long)
        videoTCs - list of relative video timecodes (Long)
        dataTCs - list of relative data timecodes (Long)
        dataTypes - list of integer packets types (IVHost.CONTENTTYPE_DATA0, IVHost.CONTENTTYPE_DATA3) - if null assumed to be IVHost.CONTENTTYPE_DATA0
        currentTCs - array of longs containing last TCs written for each packet type FLV_TCINDEX* (long[3]). Last timecode written for each packet type wil be returned
        dataPacketTimecodeAdjuster - class that implements the IFLVWriterAdjustTimecode interface for adjusting timecodes in this same array.
      • adjustFirstPacketTCs

        public static long adjustFirstPacketTCs​(java.util.List audioTCs,
                                                java.util.List videoTCs,
                                                java.util.List dataTCs)
        Align list of timecode for each data type. Assume first entry in each list is absolute timecode. When done lowest entry in three lists will be zero and other lists will be offset accordingly.
        audioTCs - list of audio timecodes
        videoTCs - list of video timecodes
        dataTCs - list of data timecodes
        lowest of three absolute timecodes
      • writeDuration

        public static void writeDuration​( file,
                                         double duration)
        Write the duration to an existing .flv file. This routine will hunt through the .flv file for the onMetaData packet and the duration metadata. It will rewrite the value if found. If not found it will do nothing.
        file - .flv file
        duration - new duration value (seconds)
      • getLastTC

        public static long getLastTC​( file)
        Get the duration of an .flv file. This routine will find the onMetaData packet and the duration metadata and return the value. If not found it will read the last packet in the file and return the timecode of that packet.
        file -
        duration (milliseconds)
      • isVideoKeyFrame

        public static boolean isVideoKeyFrame​(AMFPacket packet)
        Returns true if the packet is a video key frame
        packet - packet
        true if is video key frame
      • isVideoCodecConfig

        public static boolean isVideoCodecConfig​(int firstByte,
                                                 int secondByte)
        Returns true if the packet is a video codec config packet
        firstByte - first byte of packet
        secondByte - second byte of packet
        true if video codec
      • isVideoCodecConfig

        public static boolean isVideoCodecConfig​(AMFPacket packet)
        Returns true if the packet is a video codec config packet
        packet -
        true if the packet is a video codec config packet
      • isVideoCodecConfig

        public static boolean isVideoCodecConfig​(java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer)
        Returns true if the packet is a video codec config packet
        buffer - packet data
        true if the packet is a video codec config packet
      • isAudioCodecConfig

        public static boolean isAudioCodecConfig​(AMFPacket packet)
        Returns true if the packet is a audio codec config packet
        packet -
        true if the packet is a audio codec config packet
      • isAudioCodecConfig

        public static boolean isAudioCodecConfig​(java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer)
        Returns true if the packet is a audio codec config packet
        buffer - packet data
        true if the packet is a audio codec config packet
      • getAudioMP3Layer

        public static int getAudioMP3Layer​(AMFPacket packet)
        Audio marked as MP3 is really MPEG1 Layer 1-3. Only MPEG1 Layer 3 is truely MP3. This function will return the layer number for this packet.
        packet - amf packet
        layer number
      • getAudioCodec

        public static int getAudioCodec​(AMFPacket packet)
        Get the codec id for this audio packet. Returns IVHost.CODEC_AUDIO_UNKNOWN is unknown or not audio packet
        packet - packet
        codec id IVHost.CODEC_AUDIO_*
      • getVideoCodec

        public static int getVideoCodec​(AMFPacket packet)
        Get the codec id for this video packet. Returns IVHost.CODEC_VIDEO_UNKNOWN is unknown or not video packet
        packet - packet
        codec id IVHost.CODEC_VIDEO_*
      • getVideoFrameType

        public static int getVideoFrameType​(AMFPacket packet)
      • getPtsOffSetFromDts

        public static int getPtsOffSetFromDts​(AMFPacket packet)
        Get the timecode offset in milliseconds between the PTS and DTS for this frame.
        packet - AMFPacket
        PTS timecode offset from DTS in milliseconds (can be negative)
      • getVideoTimecodeOffset

        public static int getVideoTimecodeOffset​(AMFPacket packet)
        Get the timecode offset in milliseconds between the PTS and DTS for this frame.
        packet - AMFPacket
        PTS timecode offset from DTS in milliseconds (can be negative)
      • getPtsOffSetFromDts

        public static int getPtsOffSetFromDts​(byte[] buffer)
        Get the timecode offset in milliseconds between the PTS and DTS for this frame.
        buffer - video packet buffer
        PTS timecode offset from DTS in milliseconds (can be negative)
      • getVideoTimecodeOffset

        public static int getVideoTimecodeOffset​(byte[] buffer)
        Get the timecode offset in milliseconds between the PTS and DTS for this frame.
        buffer - video packet buffer
        PTS timecode offset from DTS in milliseconds (can be negative)
      • isVideoKeyFrame

        public static boolean isVideoKeyFrame​(java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer)
        Returns true if the packet is a video key frame
        buffer - packet data (only need first two bytes of data)
        true if is video key frame
      • isVideoKeyFrame

        public static boolean isVideoKeyFrame​(byte[] buffer)
        Returns true if the packet is a video key frame
        buffer - packet data (only need first two bytes of data)
        true if is video key frame
      • isVideoKeyFrame

        public static boolean isVideoKeyFrame​(int[] chunkHeaderValues)
        Returns true if the packet is a video key frame
        chunkHeaderValues - chunk header values returned by FLVUtils.readChunkHeader
        true if is video key frame
      • updateOnCuePointTimecode

        public static AMFPacket updateOnCuePointTimecode​(AMFPacket packet,
                                                         long timecode)
      • updateOnCuePointTimecode

        public static java.nio.ByteBuffer updateOnCuePointTimecode​(java.nio.ByteBuffer data,
                                                                   int dataType,
                                                                   long timecode)
      • isOnMetadata

        public static boolean isOnMetadata​(byte[] dataDataBytes)
      • isOnMetadataPacket

        public static boolean isOnMetadataPacket​(AMFPacket packet)
        Returns true if packet is onMetaData or [@setDataFrame, onMetaData] data packet.
        packet - packet
        true if onMetaData packet
      • getHeaderFlags

        public static byte getHeaderFlags​( file)
      • writeHeaderFlags

        public static void writeHeaderFlags​( file,
                                            byte newFlags)
      • modifyOnMetadataEvent

        public static byte[] modifyOnMetadataEvent​(byte[] buffer,
                                                   long flags,
                                                   java.util.List<String> itemsToRemove,
                                                   java.util.Map<String,​AMFData> itemsToAdd)
        Modifies onMetadata event to remove or add items
        buffer - byte buffer with onMetadata event serialized
        flags - flags to control what gets removed (see METADATAFILTER_*)
        itemsToRemove - list of names of fields to remove
        itemsToAdd - map of items to add
        serialized onMetadata event