Class BufferUtils

  • public class BufferUtils
    extends Object

    BufferUtils: utilities for converting between binary data and Java primitive types. Faster than Java runtime equivalents

    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static String[] alphas  
      static String[] hexadecimal  
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static int byteArrayToInt​(byte[] b)
      Convert byte array to int
      static int byteArrayToInt​(byte[] b, int offset)
      Conver byte array to int with offset
      static int byteArrayToInt​(byte[] b, int offset, int count)
      Convert byte array to int with offset.
      static int byteArrayToInt​(byte[] b, int offset, int count, boolean isReverse)
      Convert byte array to int with offset.
      static long byteArrayToLong​(byte[] b)
      Convert byte array to long
      static long byteArrayToLong​(byte[] b, int offset)
      Conver byte array to long with offset
      static long byteArrayToLong​(byte[] b, int offset, int count)
      Convert byte array to long with offset.
      static long byteArrayToLong​(byte[] b, int offset, int count, boolean isReverse)
      Convert byte array to long with offset.
      static int byteArrayToShort​(byte[] b)
      Convert byte array to int
      static int byteArrayToShort​(byte[] b, int offset)
      Conver byte array to int with offset
      static int byteArrayToShort​(byte[] b, int offset, int count)
      Convert byte array to int with offset.
      static int byteArrayToShort​(byte[] b, int offset, int count, boolean isReverse)
      Convert byte array to int with offset.
      static String byteArrayToString​(byte[] b)
      Convert a byte array to a String (UTF-8 encoding assumed)
      static String byteArrayToString​(byte[] b, int offset, int count)
      Convert a byte array to a String (UTF-8 encoding assumed)
      static String byteArrayToString​(byte[] b, int offset, int count, String charsetName)
      Convert a byte array to a String
      static byte[] decodeHexString​(String hexStr)
      Decode a string as a byte array
      static int doCRC32​(int crc, byte[] buffer, int offset, int len)
      Calculate an IEEE CRC32 value for MPEG transport stream from a starting crc value
      static String encodeHexString​(byte[] bytes)
      Encode a byte array as a string
      static String encodeHexString​(byte[] bytes, int offset, int len)
      Encode a byte array as a string
      static int getUnsignedShort​(java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer)  
      static int indexOf​(byte[] source, byte[] pattern)
      Finds the first occurrence of a byte pattern in a byte buffer.
      static int indexOfDifferent​(byte[] buffer1, byte[] buffer2)
      Compare two byte buffers, and return the index of the first byte that is different.
      static byte[] intToByteArray​(int value)
      Convert a int value to a byte array in network order
      static void intToByteArray​(int value, byte[] buffer, int offset, int size)
      Convert a int value to a byte array in network order
      static void intToByteArray​(int value, byte[] buffer, int offset, int size, boolean isReverse)
      Convert a int value to a byte array in network order
      static byte[] intToByteArray​(int value, int size)
      Convert a int value to a byte array in network order
      static byte[] longToByteArray​(long value)
      Convert a long value to a byte array in network order
      static void longToByteArray​(long value, byte[] buffer, int offset, int size)
      Convert a long value to a byte array in network order
      static void longToByteArray​(long value, byte[] buffer, int offset, int size, boolean isReverse)
      Convert a long value to a byte array in network order
      static byte[] longToByteArray​(long value, int size)
      Convert a long value to a byte array in network order
      static boolean patternMatches​(byte[] source, int offset, byte... pattern)  
      static boolean startsWith​(byte[] source, byte[] pattern)  
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail

      • hexadecimal

        public static final String[] hexadecimal
      • alphas

        public static final String[] alphas
    • Constructor Detail

      • BufferUtils

        public BufferUtils()
    • Method Detail

      • encodeHexString

        public static String encodeHexString​(byte[] bytes)
        Encode a byte array as a string
        bytes - byte array
      • encodeHexString

        public static String encodeHexString​(byte[] bytes,
                                             int offset,
                                             int len)
        Encode a byte array as a string
        bytes - byte array
        offset - offset
        len - length
      • decodeHexString

        public static byte[] decodeHexString​(String hexStr)
        Decode a string as a byte array
        hexStr - string
        byte array
      • byteArrayToString

        public static String byteArrayToString​(byte[] b)
        Convert a byte array to a String (UTF-8 encoding assumed)
        b - byte array
        resultant string
      • byteArrayToString

        public static String byteArrayToString​(byte[] b,
                                               int offset,
                                               int count)
        Convert a byte array to a String (UTF-8 encoding assumed)
        b - byte array
        offset - offset
        count - len
        resultant string
      • byteArrayToString

        public static String byteArrayToString​(byte[] b,
                                               int offset,
                                               int count,
                                               String charsetName)
        Convert a byte array to a String
        b - byte array
        offset - offset
        count - len
        charsetName - character set name
        resultant string
      • byteArrayToLong

        public static long byteArrayToLong​(byte[] b)
        Convert byte array to long
        b - byte array (8 bytes)
        long value
      • byteArrayToLong

        public static long byteArrayToLong​(byte[] b,
                                           int offset)
        Conver byte array to long with offset
        b - byte array (8 bytes)
        offset - offset
        long value
      • byteArrayToLong

        public static long byteArrayToLong​(byte[] b,
                                           int offset,
                                           int count)
        Convert byte array to long with offset. Count is the number of bytes. Can be less than 8. If less than 8 just fills lower bits in value.
        b - byte array
        offset - offset
        count - number of bytes
        long value
      • byteArrayToLong

        public static long byteArrayToLong​(byte[] b,
                                           int offset,
                                           int count,
                                           boolean isReverse)
        Convert byte array to long with offset. Count is the number of bytes. Can be less than 8. If less than 8 just fills lower bits in value. The reverse flag allows data to be in reverse order.
        b - byte array
        offset - offset
        count - number of bytes
        isReverse - is data in reverse order
        long value
      • byteArrayToInt

        public static int byteArrayToInt​(byte[] b)
        Convert byte array to int
        b - byte array (4 bytes)
        int value
      • byteArrayToInt

        public static int byteArrayToInt​(byte[] b,
                                         int offset)
        Conver byte array to int with offset
        b - byte array (4 bytes)
        offset - offset
        int value
      • byteArrayToInt

        public static int byteArrayToInt​(byte[] b,
                                         int offset,
                                         int count)
        Convert byte array to int with offset. Count is the number of bytes. Can be less than 4. If less than 4 just fills lower bits in value.
        b - byte array
        offset - offset
        count - number of bytes
        int value
      • byteArrayToInt

        public static int byteArrayToInt​(byte[] b,
                                         int offset,
                                         int count,
                                         boolean isReverse)
        Convert byte array to int with offset. Count is the number of bytes. Can be less than 4. If less than 4 just fills lower bits in value. The reverse flag allows data to be in reverse order.
        b - byte array
        offset - offset
        count - number of bytes
        isReverse - is data in reverse order
        int value
      • byteArrayToShort

        public static int byteArrayToShort​(byte[] b)
        Convert byte array to int
        b - byte array (2 bytes)
        int value
      • byteArrayToShort

        public static int byteArrayToShort​(byte[] b,
                                           int offset)
        Conver byte array to int with offset
        b - byte array (2 bytes)
        offset - offset
        int value
      • byteArrayToShort

        public static int byteArrayToShort​(byte[] b,
                                           int offset,
                                           int count)
        Convert byte array to int with offset. Count is the number of bytes. Can be less than 2. If less than 2 just fills lower bits in value.
        b - byte array
        offset - offset
        count - number of bytes
        int value
      • byteArrayToShort

        public static int byteArrayToShort​(byte[] b,
                                           int offset,
                                           int count,
                                           boolean isReverse)
        Convert byte array to int with offset. Count is the number of bytes. Can be less than 2. If less than 2 just fills lower bits in value. The reverse flag allows data to be in reverse order.
        b - byte array
        offset - offset
        count - number of bytes
        isReverse - is data in reverse order
        int value
      • intToByteArray

        public static byte[] intToByteArray​(int value)
        Convert a int value to a byte array in network order
        value - value
        4-byte array with value
      • intToByteArray

        public static byte[] intToByteArray​(int value,
                                            int size)
        Convert a int value to a byte array in network order
        value - value
        size - size of resultant byte array
        size-byte array with value
      • intToByteArray

        public static void intToByteArray​(int value,
                                          byte[] buffer,
                                          int offset,
                                          int size)
        Convert a int value to a byte array in network order
        value - value
        buffer - destination byte array
        offset - starting offset in byte array
        size - number of bytes to write
      • intToByteArray

        public static void intToByteArray​(int value,
                                          byte[] buffer,
                                          int offset,
                                          int size,
                                          boolean isReverse)
        Convert a int value to a byte array in network order
        value - value
        buffer - destination byte array
        offset - starting offset in byte array
        size - number of bytes to write
        isReverse - is data in reverse order
      • longToByteArray

        public static byte[] longToByteArray​(long value)
        Convert a long value to a byte array in network order
        value - value
        8-byte array with value
      • longToByteArray

        public static byte[] longToByteArray​(long value,
                                             int size)
        Convert a long value to a byte array in network order
        value - value
        size - size of resultant byte array
        size-byte array with value
      • longToByteArray

        public static void longToByteArray​(long value,
                                           byte[] buffer,
                                           int offset,
                                           int size)
        Convert a long value to a byte array in network order
        value - value
        buffer - destination byte array
        offset - starting offset in byte array
        size - number of bytes to write
      • longToByteArray

        public static void longToByteArray​(long value,
                                           byte[] buffer,
                                           int offset,
                                           int size,
                                           boolean isReverse)
        Convert a long value to a byte array in network order
        value - value
        buffer - destination byte array
        offset - starting offset in byte array
        size - number of bytes to write
        isReverse - is data in reverse order
      • getUnsignedShort

        public static int getUnsignedShort​(java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer)
      • doCRC32

        public static int doCRC32​(int crc,
                                  byte[] buffer,
                                  int offset,
                                  int len)
        Calculate an IEEE CRC32 value for MPEG transport stream from a starting crc value
        crc - starting crc value
        buffer - buffer
        offset - offset
        len - len
        crc value
      • indexOf

        public static int indexOf​(byte[] source,
                                  byte[] pattern)
        Finds the first occurrence of a byte pattern in a byte buffer.

        Note: If we want to improve the performance, we could implement the Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm. But I don't need the speed nor do I have time today!

        source - The source byte buffer
        pattern - the pattern we're looking for.
        the index of source where the pattern is found, else -1
      • patternMatches

        public static boolean patternMatches​(byte[] source,
                                             int offset,
                                             byte... pattern)
        source - byte array, which is to be searched
        offset - offset that the pattern will be matched from
        pattern - variable number of bytes to look for from index
        Return true if the input pattern matches from offset in the byte array passed in. Otherwise, return false.
      • indexOfDifferent

        public static int indexOfDifferent​(byte[] buffer1,
                                           byte[] buffer2)
        Compare two byte buffers, and return the index of the first byte that is different.
        buffer1 - byte array1
        buffer2 - byte array2
        index where buffers differ, or -1.
      • startsWith

        public static boolean startsWith​(byte[] source,
                                         byte[] pattern)