Interface ITranscoderFrameGrabProvider

  • public interface ITranscoderFrameGrabProvider

    ITranscoderFrameGrabProvider: interface used to grab frames froom the live stream transcoder.

    • Method Detail

      • grabFrame

        void grabFrame​(ITranscoderFrameGrabResult grabResult)
        Call to grab a frame. The size of the frame will be the full size of the video frame.
        grabResult - the class that will be called back when frame is available
      • grabFrame

        void grabFrame​(ITranscoderFrameGrabResult grabResult,
                       int width,
                       int height)
        Call to grab a frame. The size of the frame is controled by width and height.
        grabResult - the class that will be called back when frame is available
        width - frame width
        height - frame height
      • getAndClearPendingFrameGrabs

        java.util.List<com.wowza.wms.transcoder.model.TranscoderFrameGrabHolder> getAndClearPendingFrameGrabs()
        Returns a list of all grab frame requests that are pending and clears the pending list.
        list of pendinig grab frames