Class Stream

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class Stream
    extends Object
    implements Runnable
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static Class<Stream> CLASS  
      static String CLASSNAME  
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void addListener​(IStreamActionNotify listener)
      Add a listener
      boolean addToPlaylist​(int index, String name, int start, int length)
      Inserts a media source item to this playlist at a particular index, without interruption.
      boolean addToPlaylist​(String existing, String name, int start, int length)
      Insert item into playlist just after the first item in the playlist with a given name.
      void close()
      Call this method when you have finished with the playlist object.
      void closeAndWait()
      Call this method when you have finished with the playlist object.
      static Stream createInstance​(IApplicationInstance appInstance, String sName)
      Use this to create a named Stream on an application instance.
      static Stream createInstance​(IVHost vhost, String applicationName, String sName)
      Use this to create a named Stream on the default instance (_definst_) of an application on a particular VHost.
      static Stream createInstance​(IVHost vhost, String applicationName, String appInstanceName, String sName)
      Use this to create a named Stream on the non-default instance of an application on a particular VHost.
      static Stream createInstance​(IVHost vhost, String applicationName, String appInstanceName, String sName, String streamType)
      Use this to create a named Stream on the non-default instance of an application on a particular VHost.
      PlaylistItem getCurrentItem()
      Get the currently playing playlist item
      Object getLock()
      Get the synchronization lock for this interface.
      String getName()
      Returns the name of the playlist stream - the client would play this stream by this name.
      java.util.List<PlaylistItem> getPlaylist()
      Get the current playlist
      int getPollingInterval()
      Get the polling interval (milliseconds)
      Publisher getPublisher()  
      boolean getRepeat()
      Use this to determine if the playlist is auto-repeating
      long getStartLiveOnPreviousBufferTime()
      Get time in milliseconds to go back in live stream buffer to get previous key frame
      String getStreamType()  
      int getTimeOffsetBetweenItems()
      Get time in milliseconds to add to stream time between playlist items (default is zero)
      double getVODSpeed()  
      boolean isMoveToNextIfLiveStreamMissing()
      If true, will move to next playlist item if live stream is missing or is unpublished.
      boolean isSendOnMetadata()
      True if sending onMetadata events
      boolean isStartLiveOnPreviousKeyFrame()
      Set to true to start live streams on most recent key frame (smoother switching)
      boolean isSwitchLog()
      Log when a playlist switch occurs
      boolean isTimesInMilliseconds()
      If true start time and duration and are milliseconds.
      boolean isUnpublishOnEnd()
      If true, stop publishing if end of playlist and repeat is false
      void next()  
      void next​(int n)  
      void play​(int n)  
      boolean play​(String sPlaylist)
      Add a media item to the playlist as defined by an XML file ..
      boolean play​(String name, int start, int length, boolean reset)
      Adds a media source item to this playlist -
      void previous()  
      void previous​(int n)  
      boolean removeFromPlaylist​(int index)
      Remove item from playlist based on index.
      boolean removeFromPlaylist​(String name)
      Remove all items matching the given stream name from the playlist.
      void removeListener​(IStreamActionNotify listener)
      Remove a listener
      void run()
      Overridden from class Runnable ....
      void setMoveToNextIfLiveStreamMissing​(boolean moveToNextIfLiveStreamMissing)
      If true, will move to next playlist item if live stream is missing or is unpublished.
      void setPollingInterval​(int pollingInterval)
      Set the polling interval (milliseconds)
      void setRepeat​(boolean repeat)
      Use this to make the playlist repeat or not...
      void setSendOnMetadata​(boolean sendOnMetadata)
      True if sending onMetadata events
      void setStartLiveOnPreviousBufferTime​(long startLiveOnPreviousBufferTime)
      Set time in milliseconds to go back in live stream buffer to get previous key frame
      void setStartLiveOnPreviousKeyFrame​(boolean startLiveOnPreviousKeyFrame)
      Set to true to start live streams on most recent key frame (smoother switching)
      void setSwitchLog​(boolean switchLog)
      Log when a playlist switch occurs
      void setTimeOffsetBetweenItems​(int timeOffsetBetweenItems)
      Set time in milliseconds to add to stream time between playlist items (default is zero)
      void setTimesInMilliseconds​(boolean timesInMilliseconds)
      If true start time and duration and are milliseconds.
      void setUnpublishOnEnd​(boolean stopOnEnd)
      If true, stop publishing if end of playlist and repeat is false
      void setVODSpeed​(double vodSpeed)  
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • Stream

        public Stream()
    • Method Detail

      • createInstance

        public static Stream createInstance​(IVHost vhost,
                                            String applicationName,
                                            String sName)
        Use this to create a named Stream on the default instance (_definst_) of an application on a particular VHost.
        vhost - - Virtual Host
        applicationName - - Application name
        sName - - Name of Stream
        stream interface
      • createInstance

        public static Stream createInstance​(IVHost vhost,
                                            String applicationName,
                                            String appInstanceName,
                                            String sName)
        Use this to create a named Stream on the non-default instance of an application on a particular VHost.
        vhost - - Virtual Host
        applicationName - - Application name
        appInstanceName - - Instance name
        sName - - Name of Stream
        stream interface
      • createInstance

        public static Stream createInstance​(IVHost vhost,
                                            String applicationName,
                                            String appInstanceName,
                                            String sName,
                                            String streamType)
        Use this to create a named Stream on the non-default instance of an application on a particular VHost.
        vhost - - Virtual Host
        applicationName - - Application name
        appInstanceName - - Instance name
        sName - - Name of Stream
        streamType - - Stream type
        stream interface
      • getLock

        public Object getLock()
        Get the synchronization lock for this interface.
        synchronization lock for this interface
      • createInstance

        public static Stream createInstance​(IApplicationInstance appInstance,
                                            String sName)
        Use this to create a named Stream on an application instance.
        appInstance - - Application instance
        sName - - Name of Stream
        stream interface
      • run

        public void run()
        Overridden from class Runnable .... do NOT call this directly. This method handles switching between media sources in the playlist.
        Specified by:
        run in interface Runnable
      • getPlaylist

        public java.util.List<PlaylistItem> getPlaylist()
        Get the current playlist
        current playlist
      • getCurrentItem

        public PlaylistItem getCurrentItem()
        Get the currently playing playlist item
        currently playing playlist item
      • play

        public boolean play​(String name,
                            int start,
                            int length,
                            boolean reset)
        Adds a media source item to this playlist -
        name - - name of media item
        start - - where to start playing the item. (-2 implies play a live stream)
        length - - how much of the item to play (-1 implies play the entire file or live stream)
        reset - - if true, will begin a new playlist, otherwise items are appended
        - returns true if item was added successfully ...otherwise false.
      • addToPlaylist

        public boolean addToPlaylist​(int index,
                                     String name,
                                     int start,
                                     int length)
        Inserts a media source item to this playlist at a particular index, without interruption.
        index - - insertion index
        name - - name of media item being inserted
        start - - where to start playing the item. (-2 implies play a live stream)
        length - - how much of the item to play (-1 implies play the entire file or live stream)
        - returns true if item was inserted successfully ...otherwise false. this should not interrupt anything that might be currently playing.... will do nothing if existing item does not exist.. if existing == "" insert at head of list
      • addToPlaylist

        public boolean addToPlaylist​(String existing,
                                     String name,
                                     int start,
                                     int length)
        Insert item into playlist just after the first item in the playlist with a given name.
        existing - name of playlist item in which to insert the item after
        name - name of new item
        start - where to start playing the item. (-2 implies play a live stream)
        length - how much of the item to play (-1 implies play the entire file or live stream)
        true if item inserted
      • removeFromPlaylist

        public boolean removeFromPlaylist​(int index)
        Remove item from playlist based on index.
        index - item index
        true if at least one item from removed
      • removeFromPlaylist

        public boolean removeFromPlaylist​(String name)
        Remove all items matching the given stream name from the playlist. If the item is currently being played, it is not removed.
        name - stream name
        true if at least one item from removed
      • play

        public boolean play​(String sPlaylist)
        Add a media item to the playlist as defined by an XML file ..
        sPlaylist - - the playlist XML definition file
        - returns true if item was added successfully ...otherwise false.
      • close

        public void close()
        Call this method when you have finished with the playlist object. It will terminate the playlist thread. The playlist object cannot be used after this call.
      • closeAndWait

        public void closeAndWait()
        Call this method when you have finished with the playlist object. It will terminate the playlist thread. The playlist object cannot be used after this call. This method will wait for the thread to exit.
      • getName

        public String getName()
        Returns the name of the playlist stream - the client would play this stream by this name.
        - the name of the playlist stream
      • getRepeat

        public boolean getRepeat()
        Use this to determine if the playlist is auto-repeating
        - true if repeating otherwise false.
      • setRepeat

        public void setRepeat​(boolean repeat)
        Use this to make the playlist repeat or not...
        repeat - - true to repeat otherwise false
      • play

        public void play​(int n)
      • next

        public void next​(int n)
      • next

        public void next()
      • previous

        public void previous()
      • previous

        public void previous​(int n)
      • getPollingInterval

        public int getPollingInterval()
        Get the polling interval (milliseconds)
        polling interval (milliseconds)
      • setPollingInterval

        public void setPollingInterval​(int pollingInterval)
        Set the polling interval (milliseconds)
        pollingInterval - polling interval (milliseconds)
      • getPublisher

        public Publisher getPublisher()
      • addListener

        public void addListener​(IStreamActionNotify listener)
        Add a listener
        listener - listener
      • removeListener

        public void removeListener​(IStreamActionNotify listener)
        Remove a listener
        listener - listener
      • isSwitchLog

        public boolean isSwitchLog()
        Log when a playlist switch occurs
        log when a playlist switch occurs
      • setSwitchLog

        public void setSwitchLog​(boolean switchLog)
        Log when a playlist switch occurs
        switchLog - log when a playlist switch occurs
      • isSendOnMetadata

        public boolean isSendOnMetadata()
        True if sending onMetadata events
        True if sending onMetadata events
      • setSendOnMetadata

        public void setSendOnMetadata​(boolean sendOnMetadata)
        True if sending onMetadata events
        sendOnMetadata - True if sending onMetadata events
      • isTimesInMilliseconds

        public boolean isTimesInMilliseconds()
        If true start time and duration and are milliseconds. If false startTime and duration are in seconds.
        true start time and duration and are milliseconds
      • setTimesInMilliseconds

        public void setTimesInMilliseconds​(boolean timesInMilliseconds)
        If true start time and duration and are milliseconds. If false startTime and duration are in seconds.
        timesInMilliseconds - true start time and duration and are milliseconds
      • isStartLiveOnPreviousKeyFrame

        public boolean isStartLiveOnPreviousKeyFrame()
        Set to true to start live streams on most recent key frame (smoother switching)
        true to start live streams on most recent key frame
      • setStartLiveOnPreviousKeyFrame

        public void setStartLiveOnPreviousKeyFrame​(boolean startLiveOnPreviousKeyFrame)
        Set to true to start live streams on most recent key frame (smoother switching)
        startLiveOnPreviousKeyFrame - true to start live streams on most recent key frame
      • getStartLiveOnPreviousBufferTime

        public long getStartLiveOnPreviousBufferTime()
        Get time in milliseconds to go back in live stream buffer to get previous key frame
        time in milliseconds to go back in live stream buffer to get previous key frame
      • setStartLiveOnPreviousBufferTime

        public void setStartLiveOnPreviousBufferTime​(long startLiveOnPreviousBufferTime)
        Set time in milliseconds to go back in live stream buffer to get previous key frame
        startLiveOnPreviousBufferTime - time in milliseconds to go back in live stream buffer to get previous key frame
      • getTimeOffsetBetweenItems

        public int getTimeOffsetBetweenItems()
        Get time in milliseconds to add to stream time between playlist items (default is zero)
        time in milliseconds to add to stream time between playlist items
      • setTimeOffsetBetweenItems

        public void setTimeOffsetBetweenItems​(int timeOffsetBetweenItems)
        Set time in milliseconds to add to stream time between playlist items (default is zero)
        timeOffsetBetweenItems - time in milliseconds to add to stream time between playlist items
      • isMoveToNextIfLiveStreamMissing

        public boolean isMoveToNextIfLiveStreamMissing()
        If true, will move to next playlist item if live stream is missing or is unpublished.
        move to next playlist item if live stream is missing or is unpublished
      • setMoveToNextIfLiveStreamMissing

        public void setMoveToNextIfLiveStreamMissing​(boolean moveToNextIfLiveStreamMissing)
        If true, will move to next playlist item if live stream is missing or is unpublished.
        moveToNextIfLiveStreamMissing - move to next playlist item if live stream is missing or is unpublished
      • isUnpublishOnEnd

        public boolean isUnpublishOnEnd()
        If true, stop publishing if end of playlist and repeat is false
        stop publishing if end of playlist and repeat is false
      • setUnpublishOnEnd

        public void setUnpublishOnEnd​(boolean stopOnEnd)
        If true, stop publishing if end of playlist and repeat is false
        stopOnEnd - stop publishing if end of playlist and repeat is false
      • getVODSpeed

        public double getVODSpeed()
      • setVODSpeed

        public void setVODSpeed​(double vodSpeed)
      • getStreamType

        public String getStreamType()