Webinar: Low-Latency Delivery — LL-HLS vs. WebRTC

While a number of technologies seek to decrease the lag that occurs when streaming live video content over the internet, Low-Latency HLS (LL-HLS) and WebRTC are two of the most promising low-latency protocols available today. Wowza streaming experts compare and contrast LL-HLS vs. WebRTC, and discuss future predictions for both technologies.


Get key takeaways on:

  • How LL-HLS and WebRTC compare and ideal use cases for each.
  • The current status of LL-HLS today and existing gaps.
  • Future predictions for LL-HLS and WebRTC.

Watch the recorded webinar to learn more.


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About Laurie Wherley

Based in Asheville, NC, Laurie Wherley is a passionate marketer, who is responsible for a variety of outbound activities including global events, social media, product marketing, and webinar creation. When she isn’t working, you’ll find Laurie traveling the globe, throwing down in the kitchen, or laying on a remote beach.