Video Platforms for App Development: What Publishers Should Know 

In two previous articles, we explored the growing significance of mobile video apps for digital content publishers and provided a comprehensive guide on how to make a video streaming app. Now that you understand the process and your mobile video app plans are taking shape, it’s time to get down to the nitty-gritty. 

The next critical move is choosing the right video platform. This decision will greatly impact your app’s performance, scalability, and ability to engage your audience.

This post will delve into what to look for in a video platform for your mobile streaming app. We’ll cover the essential features to help you make an informed choice, ensuring your app is built on a foundation that supports long-term growth and a seamless user experience.


Video Platform vs. Your Streaming App: What’s the Difference?

First, what are we talking about when we say “video platform”?

A video platform is the back-end solution that handles video content management, streaming, and delivery. Think of it as the engine that powers all video-related functionalities. A video platform includes a content management system (CMS), support for live streaming and video-on-demand (VOD), and a content delivery network (CDN), among other components.

On the other hand, a streaming app is the front-end interface that your audience interacts with. It’s custom-built to reflect your brand and meet the unique needs of your users — whether they’re yoga enthusiasts, foodies, or students. And your mobile streaming app is the version of your streaming app optimized for mobile devices.

While the app is what your users see and engage with, the video platform ensures everything runs smoothly behind the scenes.

Learn how Wowza helped MixPose build an interactive streaming app for a range of devices.


Why Use a Dedicated Video Platform for App Development

You could build the back-end video platform yourself (or hire someone to do it), but we recommend taking advantage of an existing solution with a proven track record. With the foundational infrastructure in place, you can spend development time and money on designing the features that make your mobile streaming app shine.

Here are a few specific reasons to use a full-featured video platform:

  • White labeling: Maintaining your brand identity is crucial, especially in the competitive digital publishing landscape. A white-label video platform allows you to fully customize the user interface while leveraging a tested back-end infrastructure. That way, you can offer a unique user experience without building everything from scratch.
  • Technical expertise: Building a video streaming infrastructure from the ground up requires significant technical expertise and resources. By opting for a dedicated video platform, you tap into years of industry experience and technical know-how. This not only speeds up your development process but also ensures your app follows technical best practices.
  • Reliability and scalability: A video platform is designed to handle the demands of streaming at scale. Whether you’re starting with a small user base or anticipating rapid growth, a reliable platform ensures consistent performance in a way that is difficult to accomplish with homegrown infrastructure. With a video platform like Wowza, you benefit from a solution known for its reliability, enabling you to focus on content creation while we do the heavy lifting.

What to Look for in a Video Platform for App Development

When evaluating video platforms, these are key features you should prioritize:


Content Management System (CMS)

A well-built CMS helps you store and keep track of all your video content. Make sure your chosen video platform can support the size of your content library now and in the future. It should also offer flexible metadata options to make it easier to find what you’re looking for. 


Content Delivery Network (CDN)

A CDN is vital for delivering video content swiftly and efficiently across the globe. It minimizes latency, ensuring your users enjoy smooth, uninterrupted streaming no matter where they are. This is crucial for maintaining a high-quality user experience, particularly for mobile users who may access your content on the go.



Your app will evolve over time, and so should the platform that supports it. Look for a video platform that offers APIs and SDKs for easy integration and customization. The flexibility to adapt and grow with your needs ensures that your app can continue to deliver value to your audience over the long term.



Protecting your content and your users’ data is paramount. Ensure the platform offers robust security features, such as digital rights management (DRM), encryption, and secure streaming protocols. These features safeguard your content from unauthorized access and protect your users’ personal information.


Support and Documentation

Even the most experienced developers need technical support. A platform with comprehensive documentation and responsive customer support can make a significant difference in your development process. It reduces the time spent troubleshooting and helps you bring your app to market faster.


Value and ROI

While cost is always a factor, it’s equally important to consider the value you’re getting. Evaluate the platform’s pricing structure, looking at both upfront costs and ongoing fees. A cost-effective platform provides long-term ROI by offering the features and support needed to scale your app successfully.


Wowza: Your Video Platform for App Development

Wowza stands out for our industry expertise, reliability, and scalability — all critical factors for any digital publisher. With Wowza, you gain access to a platform that not only meets the highest technical standards but also provides the flexibility and support needed to ensure your app’s success. Whether it’s seamless integration with your existing systems or the ability to scale as your user base grows, Wowza has a proven track record of helping publishers achieve their goals.


Ready to Build Your Video Streaming Mobile App?

If you’re ready to take your mobile video app to the next level, explore what Wowza can offer. Learn more about Wowza’s solutions for digital publishers and let Wowza be the engine that powers your mobile video app to success.


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About Becca Starkes

Becca is a B2B content writer and copy editor based in North Carolina. When she's not writing about software, you can find her reading a book at a local coffee shop, snuggling with her pets on the couch, or birdwatching with her husband.