Install Wowza Streaming Engine for Windows on Amazon EC2


In this video tutorial, Justin walks through the process of installing Wowza Streaming Engine on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2). As the central part of Amazon Web Services (AWS), Amazon EC2 is a cloud-computing platform that virtualizes resources as virtual machines. This provides resizable compute capacity in the cloud, allowing you to scale up and down as requirements change.

Wowza provides Amazon Linux and Windows AMIs with pre-configured and tuned versions of Wowza Streaming Engine that are ready to start using the Amazon Web Services AWS Management Console. Check out our documentation to learn more.


Full Video Transcript:

Justin Miller:

Amazon EC2 is a web service that provides resizable compute capacity in the cloud. To install and configure Wowza Streaming Engine for windows on Amazon EC2, you’ll need to first get an AWS account. Once logged in, begin by selecting the region to run the instance. When that’s been selected, you can then launch the instance. Using AWS Marketplace, do a search for Wowza, and from the results, choose Windows PAID. There are other options available, but with this one, all invoices come directly from AWS.

Now choose the type of instance. There are many combinations of CPU, memory storage, and network capacity, but we generally recommend M4.large. The next steps are automatically populated with the best-recommended settings, so you can review them and make changes or go directly to Review and Launch. At this point, you can still edit any settings before you launch.

The last thing we’ll need to do is create a key pair. You’ll need to do this to connect to your instance through a secure shell. I suggest you download the key pair since you won’t be able to do it again once it’s been created. Launch the instance, and in just a minute it’ll be up and running. Let’s take a quick look at the instance and its details just to make sure everything’s how you configured it, and with it running, we can now access your instance of Wowza Streaming Engine by using the public IP address and the instance ID. In a new browser, go to the public IP address, port 8088/enginemanager. You should see the welcome screen. You can click Next or Skip Intro and go straight to sign in. By default, the username is Wowza and the password is your instance ID. Once you’ve signed in, you’ll see Wowza Streaming Engine status with connection and usage information. That’s all it takes to install Wowza Streaming Engine on Windows for Amazon EC2. Thanks for watching.


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About Traci Ruether

Traci Ruether is a Colorado-based B2B tech writer with a background in streaming and network infrastructure. Aside from writing, Traci enjoys cooking, gardening, and spending quality time with her kith and kin. Follow her on LinkedIn at or learn more at