Class: WscSdk::Models::LiveStreamThumbnailUrl

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A model to represent the Thumbnail URL of a Live Stream in the Wowza Streaming Cloud API.

Instance Attribute Summary

Attributes inherited from WscSdk::Model

#attributes, #changes, #data_mode, #endpoint, #errors, #partial_data

Method Summary

Methods inherited from WscSdk::Model

#add_error, attribute, #build_payload, #build_payload!, #clean!, #clear_primary_key, #delete, #dirty?, #has_attribute?, #ingest_attribute, #ingest_attributes, #initialize, #initialize_attributes, model_name_plural, model_name_singular, #new_model?, #primary_key, primary_key, #primary_key_attribute, #refresh, #save, #schema, schema, #success?, #valid!, #valid?, #validate

Methods included from Loggable

#logger, #logger=

Methods included from ApiResponse


Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from WscSdk::Model