Wowza Community

SRT stream target to local port for pulling. (listener)

Is there a way to set an SRT stream target to a local port for a remote server to pull SRT from that port ? I believe it’s a listener mode ? There is a service that can pull only not push to a port.

I tried sending to a local port and failed sending data to socket failed: -1. Socket: SRTCallerSocket [remoteIpAddress=, remoteAddressPort=4000, srtNativeSession=2420690612256, srtSocketReference=1065648722, localPort=6990, sessionContext=PushPublishSRT[streamTargetContext=webrtc-merger/room2/AYZ8a0thBE5IyI2h-merger_room/AYZ8a0thBE5IyI2h-merger_room_srt, remoteAddress=localhost:4000]: , bound=true, settings=[SRTO_PBKEYLEN:16, SRTO_LINGER:0, SRTO_SENDER:true, SRTO_RCVSYN:false]]
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Hello @Daniel_Rossi1,

I want to tell you that if you wanna set up an SRT stream so a remote server can pull from a local port, all you need to configure SRT in listener mode. You can use an SRT command-line to achieve this. Here’s a basic example:

srt-live-transmit srt://:4000 srt://remote-server-ip:remote-port

This command tells your local machine to listen on port 4000, allowing the remote server to pull the stream from there. Also, make sure your firewall allows traffic on this port.

Thank You