Wowza Community

OnVUE issue with WebRTC

I need to take a certification exam on OnVUE application (Version 22.38.54 ( on a mac (Monterey 12.5.1)
And get the following error during OnVUE’s network checking:

Please, how can I configure my home network to allow the specified ports ?
Thks in advance

Hello @Erico_Teixeira, sorry you’re not able to access your exam. This is something you should not have to troubleshoot yourself, nor do you have to configure the ports.

Please reach out to your Administrator at OnVue and have them fix this for you. This would fall under that support team, not here at Wowza.

They will resolve it for you or discuss your network/wifi settings to access the exam. Thanks and good luck!

For future Google searchers for this error: The 9-digit code for your practice test has expired and you need another one. This isn’t a networking issue. Go back to OnVUE where they issued you the code and get a new one.

Thank you to Jonathan for figuring this out.