Wowza Community

Method not getting called on m3u8 curl

Hi Team,
I am using Wowza Streaming Engine v4.8.27. We have multi DRM plugin which supports for WideVine, PlayReady and FairPlay DRM. This plugin we have integrated with Wowza streaming engine for WideVine and PlayReady (using void onHTTPMPEGDashEncryptionKeyVODChunk(HTTPStreamerSessionMPEGDash httpSession, IHTTPStreamerMPEGDashIndex index, CencInfo cencInfo, long chunkId) and void onHTTPMPEGDashEncryptionKeyLiveChunk(ILiveStreamPacketizer liveStreamPacketizer, String streamName, CencInfo cencInfo, long chunkId) methods) as of now and its working as expected. Now we want to integrate for FairPlay/Apple HLS. So as per the API I am trying to use void onHTTPCupertinoEncryptionKeyVODChunk(HTTPStreamerSessionCupertino httpSession, IHTTPStreamerCupertinoIndex index, com.wowza.wms.httpstreamer.cupertinostreaming.util.CupertinoEncInfo encInfo, long chunkId, int mode) method for Apple HLS VOD but anyhow its not getting called.
onHTTPMPEGDashEncryptionKeyVODChunk (for VOD .mpd) method getting called whenever we are running curl on mpd url. But whenever I am trying to run curl on m3u8 url onHTTPCupertinoEncryptionKeyVODChunk its not getting called. Is there any properties we have to set to enable Cupertino something? I have already added below in Application.xml
cupertinostreaming in HTTPStreamers. Please assist on the same. Thank you

Is it called on subsequent cals for segments/chunks?
I would not expect it to be called on the initial m3u8

Streaming Video Expert

Thank you for you replay @Scott_Kellicker2. I don’t have much Idea where actually it should get called. I was expecting similiar behaviour as like mpd file. Let me check on how we can get call on chunks or segments. Thank you

The clearest way to verify would be to use curl/wget. curl the m3u8 URL, then use the result to build up the chunklist URL, then build the media URL.

$ curl http://IP:1935/vod/sample.mp4/playlist.m3u8

$ curl http://IP:1935/vod/sample.mp4/chunklist_w769782113.m3u8
. . .

$ wget http://IP:1935/vod/sample.mp4/media_w769782113_2.ts

Sure Thanks I will try that.
I am getting below with the curl
anands@KR64NQDVJH ~ % curl https:DOMAIN:443/DrmVodTest/mp4:sample.mp4/playlist.m3u8
anands@KR64NQDVJH ~ %