Wowza Community

How to Scale WebRTC playback: sub-500ms delivery

For those of you building applications ranging from gambling and bidding to gaming and sports, real-time delivery is critical. Our WebRTC option in Engine is robust and reliable, but it does not scale well beyond 300 connections.

If you need to deploy WebRTC for more than 300 viewers, we have a new option for you. In addition to being able to scale WebRTC, you will be provided with an HLS playback URL as well. It is up to you though if you want to just use the WebRTC option, the HLS playback link is not required, but it’s there if you need it.

Real-Time Streaming at Scale for Wowza Streaming Cloud, a new feature that ensures sub-500ms delivery to viral audiences — with on-demand availability.

Get all the details here: