Wowza Community

Bug Workflow WSE to Wowza Video in WSE 4.8.28+4

Hello @all,
we use WSE since years for Livestreaming. From this year, we want to use WSE for ingest Livstreams to the Wowza Video Platform (not the deprecated Wowza Cloud). For this we want to use a “Wowza Video” Streamtarget of our WSE Live-Application. WSE is the Windows Version (Windows Server 2016 Standard)

Now where is the Bug … If i create a Streamtarget to Wowza-Video, the target will be created in WSE without any Error-Messages. But there will not created a new Livestream in the Wowza-Video Platform. The Streamtarget in WSE stays on Status “Waiting …” Status. After this i send my Livestream via RTMP to WSE. “Incoming Streams” in WSE Manager shows that the Livestream arrives correctly the WSE Liveapplication. But the Streamtarget stay on “Waiting …” and also no new Livestream will be created in Wowza Video. Disabling and Enabling new the Streamtarget or Restart Application / Vhost / complete Server has no Effect. Same Status “Waiting …” in WSE Manager.

The older WSE Version 4.8.27+5 Version does not show this Problem. I create the Streamtarget in WSE-Manager. After creation the Target is disabled. If i enable the Stream-Target, the new Livetstream was created in Wowza Video, if the Livestream arrives the WSE Liveapplication, the Wowza Video Instance will be started and shows the Livestream in FlowPlayer after a few Seconds.

One more note: It would be nice if the wowza video streamtarget activated itself when the livestream arrives WSE Liveapplication. At the moment you always have to start the stream target manually, otherwise the instance in Wowza Video won’t start either.

It would also be good if you could set the stream-profile of the livestream in Wowza Video in the WSE streamtarget dialog. When I create the stream target in the WSE Manager, I specified 1920x1080 as resolution. However, Wowza Video only creates 480p - 180p renderings. The 720p rendering is missing. If I set it manually in Wowza Video by setting the stream profile to “1080p (HD)”, the rendering will deleted again as soon as the instance is newly started from WSE.
I think, there is still a lot of work for the developers to do here.

I have found the Problem. It occurs only with the new Java Version 21. If we switch to Java 11, all is fine.

But some Problems remain:
"One more note: It would be nice if the wowza video streamtarget activated itself when the livestream arrives WSE Liveapplication. At the moment you always have to start the stream target manually, otherwise the instance in Wowza Video won’t start either.

It would also be good if you could set the stream-profile of the livestream in Wowza Video in the WSE streamtarget dialog. When I create the stream target in the WSE Manager, i specified Full-HD 1920x1080 as resolution. However, Wowza Video only creates 480p - 180p transcoded renderings / output targets. The 720p rendering / output target is missing. If I set it manually in Wowza Video by setting the stream profile to “1080p (HD)”, the rendering / output will deleted again as soon as the instance is newly started from WSE.
I think, there is still a lot of work for the developers to do here."