Wowza Community

Broken Recordings

We have wowza instances on AWS and have the recordings uploading to S3 via a custom plugin module.

There are 3 problems going on currently:

  1. Corrupted Recordings
  2. First half saved but not second half
  3. Second half saved but not first

For all of these the actual live stream and simulcasting works fine. It does not relate to network issues on the encoder end as it almost always hits a random new customer with a totally different encoder/network setup.

#1 appears to be a disk size issue. When the disk runs out of space the last part of the video file doesn’t get written to S3 resulting in a missing MOOV atom and a broken recording. We’ve increased the storage to try and prevent this issue.

Any ideas on #2 / #3?

The only clue we’re going off of for now is that both the recording which had only the first half & the recording with only the last half were saved at the same time within seconds of each other.


thank you for posting in the community forums. We notice you also opened a support ticket, so we will continue there as we might require sensitive information for a solution, which should not be posted in public anyway :wink:

Bernd Backhaus
Wowza Support
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