Wowza Community

Live Webcam Streaming


I’ve used wowza for basic webstreaming/recording on numerous occcasions but trying to broadcast a live stream from a webcam has beaten me.

I can view a live broadcast’s stream easily enough but not sure at all about setting up and SDP file.

I’m running Centos 5.3 and a lot of the documentations appears to be for windows encoders. I’ve installed WMS2 and ffmpeg but can’t find a great deal about trying to make a SPD file with it.

Could anyone post an example SPD file using ffmpeg?

What other encoder can I use on Linux?

We are looking at streaming about 30+ webcams to multiple clients.

Thanks:confused: in advance,


What kind of webcams? Most basic webcams do not require ffmpeg. And SDP files are an one option in some cases but not necessarily. You can any RTMP encoder to send a live stream to Wowza from a basic webcam. This is the basic RTMP live streaming tutorial:

And you can use most of the encoders with a basic webcam:

IP Cameras with built-in h.264 support can be restreamed.

The exception is IP cameras that do not have built-in h.264 support. In that case you do need something (VLC, FFMPPEG, xuggle) in the middle. But I would avoid that, there are so many easy and affordable options. There are also some pricey options, but most of them are easy and well supported.


Try VLC, this is the guide:


Hi Richard,

Sorry for a slow reply (weekend and all).

That was one of the tutorials I had followed previously and to no joy. Using the premade AS2 clients provided by yourselves in the LiveVideoStraming folder I get the error “myStream not found”, which us why I assumed I had to make a myStream.sdp file in the content folder but now feel I as wrong.

The tutorial reffers to Wirecast which is mac/pc only? What would the common alternative be for Linux?
